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Welcome to the New Year.  Are we managing to still keep our New Year resolutions? As time goes by it gets harder to keep them, with that in mind, ​​January and February is usually a good time to host motivational events. People who go to these types of events are more committed to change and move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. With the correct motivational Speaker, a strong Keynote will open up a world of possibilities for the audience. In addition, if you are running an event at this time of year, there is usually a greater turn-out, as people frequently need assistance with achieving their personal commitments and resolutions.

A great event that takes place in Ireland is the Momentum event run by Gerry Duffy, Gerry is famous for running 32 marathons in 32 days. This is the kind of event that will inspire and motivate you to be the best that you can be.

On that note, Oration Speakers works with a host of other motivational and inspirational speakers who will give your audience the boost they need to build, to follow and to obtain their goals.  Make sure to get in contact if you want some suggestions on Motivational Keynote Speakers.

With that in mind our resolution is to help meeting planners and organisers as much as possible in 2019. So below we have a few suggestions that we thought might prove helpful in achieving the best possible event.

First of all, give yourself plenty of time and book your Speakers 6 to 12 months out. We are already noticing that some of our Keynote Speakers are already getting booked up with speaking engagements during the most popular months, more so, if a Speaker has just released a book, there is usually an even bigger demand for them to Speak. If you are interested in a Speaker, get in contact with Oration Speakers, sooner rather than later.

Second of all, please find below some trending topics and Speakers for 2019.

What are the new technological advances?  Why is it important to learn about them and how can we use AI to make a profit? Oration Speakers works with Speakers who can explore what leading companies like Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Nike, Goldman Sachs and others and what they are already doing with AI, disrupting their industries and making them company leaders in their fields. Robert Safian is a perfect example of a Speaker who has been exploring this Business Strategy.

Ricardo Semler, Former CEO and President of Semco, Author of the best-selling classic Maverick and The Seven-Day Weekend,  advocates for leadership to rewrite their corporate narratives and instead be driven by values of trust, self-management and creativity. Semler has reached thousands of international and corporate audiences through his guest lectures at MIT and Harvard and fostered a digital community of fans with his popular TED Talk: How to Run a Company with (almost) no rules. He is the ideal Keynote Speaker on the Future of work. Another excellent Speakers on this topic is, Vivek Wadhwa. Vivek is currently running the first ever global research study at Harvard University on how AI will change how we work and the future of many professions.

Will robots really take away our jobs? According to a Forrester report, robots will eliminate 6 percent of all jobs in the United States by 2021. McKinsey’s assessment is even more expansive — they believe that by 2030 one-third of American jobs could become automated (Jul 24, 2018). We work with many Speakers in the area of robotics and we are delighted to have worked with Marc Raibert from Boston Dynamics. We also work with leading companies on the advancement of humanoids. Happy to share that information with you if you get in contact.

This is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupting an existing market, which then displaces established market-leading firms, products, and alliances. This is happening in every industry and one of our Speakers Michelle Lee, a former scientist at MIT, shares the AI trends from the USPTO (The US Patent and Trademark Office) learning where companies are making multi-dollar bets on the future.

Will your company survive or will it thrive? Digital Transformation is reinventing organisations through the use of digital technology. We know that the pace of change over the last five years has been hugely significant with businesses accelerating their digital capabilities at an astonishing rate. With this rapid transformation comes the need to properly harness digital technologies and put them into effective use. Our expert Speakers will offer you an insight how digital initiatives at their organisations can offer insights, education and case studies on what can be a confusing environment.

Our Financial Keynote Speakers are heads of digital from some of the largest consumer, commercial, regional, and community banks, as well as other financial institutions. Our Speaker, Nancy Giordano, will guide your audience into the labryrinth of  blockchain and cryptocurrencies technologies throughout the world.

This is always a trending topic year on year and one we have many Speakers who are experts in that area, for example, Rebecca Costa  is an expert Speaker in that area. Her latest book looks at how AI and predictive analytics is providing leaders with an accurate look into the future, changing how we make decisions and allocate strategic resources.

As our technology advances, so does the way we look after the human mind and body. Trends in immunology, gene therapy, personalised medicine, big data, artificial intelligence, and digital devices are changing the way we monitor and maintain our health. Meantime, changes in demographics are bringing about new challenges for doctors and other health professionals in terms of employment and resource demands. One of our experts Tarun Wadhwa, drills down into the fascinating uses of AI that are changing every aspect of the medical and self-healthcare industries. If you are interested in hearing more about Taruna and how the future of healthcare can affect you or your business, contact Oration Speakers. We works with many Future of Healthcare keynote speakers from politics, medicine, and science who can prepare your company for the changes to come.

As always we work with a host of Keynote Speakers and the Speakers we suggested above are only a small percentage of the people we work with, if you have a particular event you are working on and require suggestions contact us.