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Influential Leaders, who provoke, inspire, inform or simply entertain

Adam_Grant_-_Picture_by_Jamey_Stillings.jpg October 18, 2024302 KB 1280 by 1517 pixels

Adam Grant

Gary Vaynerchuk Keynote Speaker and serial entrepreneur

Gary Vaynerchuk

Monika Bielskyte

Monika Bielskyte

William Nordhaus

William Nordhaus

Tali Sharot

Tali Sharot

Juliet Funt

Jane Goodall - Speaker

Jane Goodall

Daniel Lamarre

Daniel LaMarre

Matthias Schranner - Negotiation

Matthias Schranner

Nicole Perlroth

Nicole Perlroth

Frances Haugen

Megan Reitz

Amy Edmondson

Amy Edmondson

Arthur Brooks

Arthur Brooks

Lisa Bodell

Lisa Bodell

Priya Parker - Keynote Speaker

Priya Parker

Anders Indset

Anders Indset

Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth

Randi Zuckerberg

Amy Cuddy

Erin Meyer

Erin Meyer

Susan Hayes Culleton

Susan Hayes Culleton

Sebastian Thrun

Sebastian Thrun

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

Robert Safian

Srikumar Rao

Dr. Srikumar Rao

Marc Randolph

Marc Randolph

Marc Raibert

Roya Mahboob

Roya Mahboob

Christian Majgaard

Dag Kittlaus

Manfred Kets De Vries

Manfred Kets De Vries

Ben Hammersley

Ben Hammersley

Gary Hamel

Nir Eyal

Seth Godin

Seth Godin

Bob Geldof

Stephane Garelli

Molly Fletcher

Keith Ferrazzi

Eddie Doyle

Eddie Doyle

Peter Diamandis

Rebecca Costa

Rebecca Costa

Rene Carayol

Rene Carayol

Nathan Caldwell

Nathan Caldwell

Larry Brilliant

Dirk Ahlborn

Steve Wozniak


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