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How Today’s Speakers Can Secure More Paid Engagements

By September 23, 2024No Comments

Reassessing the Speaking Strategy: How Today’s Speakers Can Secure More Paid Engagements

Public speaking has long been a pursuit of passion, offering a platform for sharing ideas, influencing audiences, and creating lasting impact. But for many in the speaking world, passion isn’t translating into paid engagements as it once did. The speaking circuit is changing, competition is fierce, and the industry landscape is undergoing a shift that leaves even seasoned speakers questioning how to command the fees they once took for granted. The challenge isn’t just speaking well—it’s strategising better.

To thrive in this climate, speakers must reassess their approach, taking a hard look at how they present themselves, their expertise, and the value they offer. After all, the old saying that “content is king” is truer than ever—but it’s a king in need of a kingdom. If you want to get booked and paid, it’s time to develop a comprehensive, modern strategy that aligns with the evolving demands of the market.

Reimagining the Offer: Speaking to Solve, Not to Sell

At the heart of every successful speaking career is the ability to solve a problem. The days of generalist inspiration are fading, and audiences (as well as those who book speakers) are increasingly looking for tailored, specific value. It’s no longer enough to rely on charisma or a compelling life story. To secure those paid engagements, speakers must clearly define the problem they solve for event organisers.

For speakers, the first step in re-evaluating strategy is to dig into their own expertise. Are they addressing the current, pressing issues in the industries they wish to speak to? Do they have a unique insight or methodology that makes them indispensable to a particular audience? The ability to communicate these answers clearly can be the difference between being passed over or securing a premium fee. Event organisers, more than ever, need speakers who can provide actionable takeaways for their audiences—not just a good time.

The Professional Pivot: Why Coaching is Key

One of the most overlooked but vital components to enhancing any speaking strategy is working with a coach. Coaching isn’t merely about learning how to stand on stage with confidence. It’s about refining the entire business of speaking—defining your message, packaging your expertise, and ensuring that you’re positioning yourself to get paid what you’re worth.

The return on investment from coaching is profound. Coaches offer an external perspective that helps you hone in on what truly resonates with audiences, assisting in the development of tailored, data-driven strategies that align with market demands. In a crowded field, the key to commanding higher fees is differentiation, and a good coach helps speakers pinpoint exactly how to make themselves indispensable to event planners and corporations.

Moreover, coaches often introduce speakers to strategies they wouldn’t have considered. For instance, leveraging digital assets, developing a personal brand outside of the speaking engagements themselves, or even diversifying their revenue streams beyond the traditional keynote circuit.

Speaking Strategy in Action: Positioning for Pay

Tactical refinement is just the beginning. Once a speaker has defined their unique value and invested in coaching, the next step is adapting to the marketplace with precision. Securing paid gigs often depends on the ability to identify which sectors and organisations are currently prioritising external speakers. This requires speakers to be as much a businessperson as a storyteller.

A diversified approach to marketing oneself is crucial. Speakers today must maintain a robust digital presence, develop an active portfolio of content (think podcasts, blogs, or webinars), and invest in networking opportunities that build relationships with event organisers. For example, making your content easily consumable online—whether through social media snippets or hosting your own events—can establish a speaker as a thought leader long before stepping onto a stage.

The Speaker’s Market Has Changed—So Must You

The challenges of securing paid speaking engagements in today’s world may feel daunting, but they are not insurmountable. Speakers who actively reassess their strategy, invest in coaching, and stay ahead of market trends can still thrive. But they must be willing to change—both in how they see their value and in how they sell it.

This is no longer a game of landing gigs through charisma alone. Today’s professional speakers need to understand their worth, develop a business strategy to back it, and approach every engagement as a value-driven solution for the audience. Now is the time to pause, review, and recalibrate.

If you’re interested in a free coaching strategy call with Rachel, contact her at


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