Keynote Speaker Category: Business, Culture, Diversity, Leadership, Motivational,



René Carayol is inspirational Keynote speaker on leadership, culture and transformation.

He shows precisely how contemporary leaders can inspire their people through a powerful and authentic emotional connection, to do the things that others said could not be done.

He is also a Visiting Professor at the distinguished Cass Business School in London, and lecturing on their MSc in Management, Carayol is no academic.

René Carayol is also one of the world’s leading executive coaches, working with some of the Fortune 500’s top CEO’s and their executive teams.

He draws much from his own unique experiences on the boards of some of the biggest international organisations; from Marks and Spencer and Pepsi, to IPC Media and the Inland Revenue, so he can speak with authority and confidence of the expert practitioner who has seen and experienced it all before.

René’s area of expertise is excellent Keynotes on leadership and culture. He shows precisely how contemporary leaders can inspire their people through a powerful and authentic emotional connection.

René Carayol is also the best-selling author of the leadership and culture bible, “Corporate Voodoo”.

He has worked closely with some of the world’s best leaders, from former US President Bill Clinton to CEOs of blue chip businesses, including Jim Yong Kim at The World Bank, Ralph Hamers at ING Bank, Mario Greco at Generali and Maria Ramos at Barclays Africa. He has interviewed the good and the great including Jack Welch, Allan Leighton, Lou Gerstner, and Sir Richard Branson.

His latest book, SPIKE is the product of some 30 years of supporting the growth and development of individuals and businesses of all shapes and sizes in the UK and overseas.

In this groundbreaking book, René shares the magic and simplicity of the SPIKE (Strengths Positively Identified Kick-start Excellence) philosophy. This book is the product of 30 years of supporting the growth and development of thousands of individuals and organisations globally, and it brings together a proven formula for personal and business development.

“My experience of working with some of the world’s best leaders of this generation; from Prime Minister David Cameron, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, and many others, informs me that none of them are flawless or ‘all-rounders.’ But they all tend to know their 2/3 SPIKES, and have taken the time and focus to fine tune them to near Olympian standards”.

René Carayol will share the magic and simplicity of the compelling SPIKE philosophy. In his world of SPIKE, there are no losers anymore – everyone has something they are great at.

As the new world order is struggling to deal with constant uncertainty, Carayol provides a compelling approach to the future that is built on ‘managing a little less and leading a little more.’

You will continue to see Carayol on the BBC and Sky News as an expert commentator and you can see his portfolio of TV series for the BBC on his YouTube channel.


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