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Congratulations to the team at the Semco Style Institute on their 5th Anniversary and also on the launch of Semco Style Talks! 

Below is a brief catch up with Ricardo where he discusses the progress of Semco Style, the current State of Work Today and the Future of Management.

He also touches on the impact of Covid and working remotely, different ways of contracting with employees i.e. contracting for a final result as opposed to time. He also divulges the new ways to manage companies and the importance more than ever to change the hierarchical mode and about transparency in the workplace.

Ricardo believes in this post pandemic workplace, there has to be room for different levels of trust and that is what will give companies the Leading edge? Check out the interview here: –

If interested in having Ricardo speak at your event contact Rachel at Oration Speakers. Exclusive Agent for Ricardo Semler.

#semcostyle #Ricardosemler