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Oration Speakers books some of the world’s most prominent Keynote Speakers, from Business Leaders, to entrepreneurs, to influential thinkers for virtual and live events across the globe. Our Keynote Speakers talk on a range of subjects from management, innovation and finance to technology, education and the environment. For a sample of just some of the Speakers we work with see below. For a bespoke Proposal contact us directly for a free consultation.

Nick Bostrom

Adam_Grant_-_Picture_by_Jamey_Stillings.jpg October 18, 2024302 KB 1280 by 1517 pixels

Adam Grant

Nina Schick

Nina Schick

Dr. Scott Gottlieb - Keynote Speaker

Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Christiana Figueres

Christiana Figures

Craig Foster

Craig Foster

Gary Vaynerchuk Keynote Speaker and serial entrepreneur

Gary Vaynerchuk

Monika Bielskyte

Monika Bielskyte

William Nordhaus

William Nordhaus

Paul Romer - Nobel Prize winner - Economist - - Sustainability

Paul Romer

Nilofer Merchant

Tali Sharot

Tali Sharot

Juliet Funt

Niall Ferguson, a renowned historian and author, engaging in a thought-provoking discussion on global history and economic policy

Niall Ferguson

Lynda Gratton

Jane Goodall - Speaker

Jane Goodall

Tristram Stuart

Tristram Stuart

Dr. Asha de Vos

Daniel Lamarre

Daniel LaMarre

michelle rozen

Michelle Rozen

Matthias Schranner - Negotiation

Matthias Schranner


Cathy Hackl

Lindsey McInerney

Lindsey McInerney

Nicole Perlroth

Nicole Perlroth

Frances Haugen

Megan Reitz

Amy Edmondson

Amy Edmondson

Arthur Brooks

Arthur Brooks

Lisa Bodell

Lisa Bodell

Priya Parker - Keynote Speaker

Priya Parker

Anders Indset

Anders Indset

Matthew Luhn

Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth

Randi Zuckerberg

Amy Cuddy

Erin Meyer

Erin Meyer

Susan Hayes Culleton

Susan Hayes Culleton

Boyan Slat - By DWDD - DWDD, CC BY 3.0,

Boyan Slat

Gopal RajGuru

Gopal RajGuru

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

Ed Gillespie

Ed Gillespie

Yuval Noah Harari

Shaun Tomson

Shaun Tomson

Nassim Taleb

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Carmen Reinhart

Carmen Reinhart

Anders Sörman-Nilsson

Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Ayesha Khanna

Ayesha Khanna

Susan David

David McWilliams

David McWilliams

Martin Wolf

Martin Wolf

Andrew Winston

Andrew Winston

Sebastian Thrun

Sebastian Thrun

Max Tegmark

Prof. Max Tegmark

Lisen Stromberg

Lisen Stromberg

Biz Stone

Biz Stone

Brian Solis

Brian Solis

Kevin Slavin

Kevin Slavin

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

Suzanne Sheehy

Dr. Suzanne Sheehy

Robert Safian

David Rowan

Melissa Rosenthal

Mary Robinson

Mary Robinson

Dr. Jonas Ridderstrale

Robert Richman

Robert Richman

Srikumar Rao

Dr. Srikumar Rao

Marc Randolph

Marc Randolph

Marc Raibert

Mark Pollock

Mark Pollock

Deborah Perry Piscione

Deborah Perry Piscione

Francois Pachet

Francois Pachet

Eric O' Neill

Eric O’ Neill

Kjell Nordstrom

Kjell Nordstrom

Ernest Moniz

Ernest Moniz

Vivienne Ming

Vivienne Ming

Roya Mahboob

Roya Mahboob

Matt Mason

Inma Martinez

Inma Martinez

Pippa Malmgren

Dr. Philippa Malmgren

Christian Majgaard

James Lyne

James Lyne

Mitch Lowe

Mitch Lowe

Hod Lipson

Hod Lipson

Gerd Leonhard

Gerd Leonhard

Florian Lennert

Florian Lennert

Gabe Klein

Dag Kittlaus

Manfred Kets De Vries

Manfred Kets De Vries

Andrew Keen

Andrew Keen

Guy Kawaski

Jonas Kjellberg

Jenn Lim

Jeff De Graff

Jeff De Graff

Will Jackson

Glen Hiemstra

Glen Hiemstra

Fredrik Haren

Ben Hammersley

Ben Hammersley

Gary Hamel

Nir Eyal

Dr. Kai-Fu Lee

James Clear

James Clear

Ken Goldberg

Ken Goldberg

Seth Godin

Seth Godin

Nancy Giordano



Bob Geldof

Stephane Garelli

Molly Fletcher

Christiana Figueres

Keith Ferrazzi

Susan Etlinger

Magnus Egerstedt

Mick Ebeling

Eddie Doyle

Eddie Doyle

Peter Diamandis


Alain de Botton


Dhairya Dand

Dhairya Dand

Rebecca Costa

Rebecca Costa

Joel Cohen

Joel Cohen

Rene Carayol

Rene Carayol

Nathan Caldwell

Nathan Caldwell

Dan Buettner

Larry Brilliant

Payal Arora

Payal Arora

Dirk Ahlborn

Rachel Botsman

Rachel Botsman

Molly Bloom

Molly Bloom

Zanny Mintos Beddoes

Zanny Minton Beddoes

Jamie Bartlett

Jamie Bartlett

Sophia the Robot

Sophia the Robot

Lars Silverbauer

Lars Silverbauer

Gary Kasparov

Gary Kasparov

Paul Armstrong

Steve Wozniak



Top Female Keynote Speakers on topics of current interest

Artificial Intelligence

Digital and technology trends, information management and the impact of emerging technologies.

Leading Female Speakers

Top Female Keynote Speakers on topics of current interest


Digital and technology trends, information management and the impact of emerging technologies.

Current Trends

Resilience and Adaptability, Future of Work, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility,Wellness and Mental Health:


Influential Leaders, who provoke, inspire, inform or simply entertain


Speakers who use their imagination and original ideas to create and inspire


Find the perfect innovation keynote speaker to inspire your audience and drive change. Explore expert insights, actionable strategies, and dynamic presentations that redefine innovation.


Leaders who provide insights into the skills and insights required to make successful start-ups


Authorities in the world of business, finance and economics

TED Speakers

Leading TED Speakers and TEDx Speakers

Robotics & AI

Speakers who offer valuable insights in the cutting-edge developments in AI and Robotics


All our Speakers are available for video and virtual conferences

If your preferred topic is not above, contact us for a free consultation to discuss your requirements in more detail